Become Your Client’s Retirement Coach
How to add meaningful value to your clients lives, help them prepare for the lifestyle as well as financial aspects of retirement, and forge relationships for life.

Stop People From Failing at Retirement
It’s pretty sad to see people work for 40 years then fail to plan for how they will live and enjoy their “retired” years.
As a financial advisor, you are in a unique position to facilitate retirement conversations with your clients and help ensure they live the best life possible with the money they have.
Mitch Anthony, one of the world’s leading retirement experts, and the author of the groundbreaking New Retirementality (now entering its’ 5th edition), and Steve Sanduski, CFP®, a leading practice management consultant and New York Times bestselling author, have partnered to train financial advisors on how to become their client’s Retirement Coach.
Watch a Demo of the Software
Watch Steve Sanduski as he shows you how the 5 Retirement Coaching Tools work.
What Others Are Saying
Knowledge and tools…
Steve and Mitch’s Retirement Coaching Program equips financial advisors with the knowledge and tools they need to help clients make the last part of their life the best part.
Very good material…
Very good material to assist us in adding value for our clients.
It will enrich your life…
Allow me to be prescriptive – do the Retirement Coaching Program. Why? It will enrich your life, your clients’ lives and, surely, contribute to your practice!
Great insight…
Great insight and useful tools for my practice to start the difficult conversation with my clients and prospects.
Stay on top…
The nature of retirement is changing and the content and tools in the Retirement Coaching Program help us stay on top of these changes and add great value to our clients.
You can’t go wrong…
You can’t go wrong with Mitch and Steve. Their Retirement Coaching Program is filled with keen insights and I’m already incorporating them in my practice.
Feedback has been tremendous…
I just wanted to let you guys know we have started implementing your retirement coaching program into our advisory practice and so far the feedback has been tremendous. It’s be very rewarding having conversation with clients that go far beyond market performance and the lasting impact for these clients has been obvious.
What Others Are Saying
Knowledge and tools…
Steve and Mitch’s Retirement Coaching Program equips financial advisors with the knowledge and tools they need to help clients make the last part of their life the best part.
Very good material…
Very good material to assist us in adding value for our clients.
It will enrich your life…
Allow me to be prescriptive – do the Retirement Coaching Program. Why? It will enrich your life, your clients’ lives and, surely, contribute to your practice!
Great insight…
Great insight and useful tools for my practice to start the difficult conversation with my clients and prospects.
Stay on top…
The nature of retirement is changing and the content and tools in the Retirement Coaching Program help us stay on top of these changes and add great value to our clients.
You can’t go wrong…
You can’t go wrong with Mitch and Steve. Their Retirement Coaching Program is filled with keen insights and I’m already incorporating them in my practice.
Feedback has been tremendous…
I just wanted to let you guys know we have started implementing your retirement coaching program into our advisory practice and so far the feedback has been tremendous. It’s be very rewarding having conversation with clients that go far beyond market performance and the lasting impact for these clients has been obvious.
Your Coaches for The Retirement Coaching Program
Mitch Anthony and Steve Sanduski, CFP® have been working with financial advisors for a combined 50 years.
It’s the shift from focusing on ROI to focusing on ROL (Return on Life™)
You need a way to clearly differentiate your service in a crowded marketplace and become indispensable to your clients. Here’s how…
Develop specialized expertise in an area that cannot be commoditized by technology and that relies on human to human interaction.
Retirement Coaching is the perfect solution.
Your Coaches for The Retirement Coaching Program
Mitch Anthony and Steve Sanduski, CFP® have been working with financial advisors for a combined 50 years.
It’s the shift from focusing on ROI to focusing on ROL (Return on Life™)
You need a way to clearly differentiate your service in a crowded marketplace and become indispensable to your clients. Here’s how…
Develop specialized expertise in an area that cannot be commoditized by technology and that relies on human to human interaction.
Retirement Coaching is the perfect solution.
What’s Included?
- 5 action-packed one-hour webinar sessions with Steve and Mitch available to you immediately. These recordings include access to the training presentation as well as the video and audio recording.
- Monthly Learning Hour training sessions with Steve Sanduski, Mitch Anthony, and special guests. This is ongoing training on marketing and how to deliver Life-Centered Planning.
- Key written highlights from each session.
- 5 digital client-facing tools, assessments, and resources that you can use with your clients.
- An amazing public PowerPoint presentation with Speaker’s Notes titled: How to Get the Best Return on Life in Your Retirement. This is an incredible lead-generation presentation that you get to customize with your brand. This turnkey seminar, all by itself, is worth the entire price of the program.
Details of Each Session:
- What retirement used to look like and what it’s moving toward.
- The role of money in retirement.
- The advisor’s new role in the retirement conversation.
- Client-Facing Tool: Retirement Observations Checklist
- Why the future of retirement may still involve “work.”
- Working with clients to help them use their money in ways that will maximize life satisfaction.
- The advisor’s role in guiding clients through life planning.
- Client-Facing Tool: The Retirement Worksheet
- Divorce rates spike during the first two years of retirement as many couples struggle to adjust to the new rhythm.
- Learn how to help clients discover their view of how they want to focus their energies and time in the stage ahead.
- The advisor’s role in helping clients find their balance between vacation and vocation, self and others.
- Client-Facing Tool: My Retirementality Profile
- Why now is the time to begin measuring your clients’ progress on a more personal level.
- The Return on Life Index and how you can use it to focus clients on managing their money in a way that improves their life.
- The advisor’s role in the Return On Life Process™.
- Client-Facing Tool: The ROL Assessment and Index
- The five steps of the Retirement Coaching Process.
- Positioning yourself as a Retirement Coaching Expert.
- The advisor’s role in the Retirement Coaching Process.
- Client-Facing Tool: The Retirement Coaching Step-by-Step Process
- Discover your clients’ goals, hopes, and fears about retirement.
- Expertly guide your clients to prepare for retirement and ensure that critical first year is a success.
- Address the issues that couples often struggle with during the transition to retirement.
- Discuss the Return on Life Index with your clients to ensure their money is being used to effectively enhance their life.
- Offer your clients predictable and measurable value that doesn’t depend on the S&P 500 going up.
- Use your new tools and skills to add more new clients than ever before.
PRICING: You receive all of the above for just $99 per month.
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Send an email to info at roladvisor dot com and our team will get back to you quickly.